The web service tia_viewer on SAP system is setup with the transport imported before:

It listens to the port set up for HTTP protocol in SAP profiles.

Its URL is: https://<sap-system>:<port>/tia/tia_viewer

For setup of tia Viewer Core instances to this created web service in SAP, look for parameters sap.url, sap.user, sap.password in .


To active the web service tia_viewer, follow these steps:


  1. Execute transaction SICF and press Execute button

  1. In the Virtual Hosts / Services tree view find tia > tia_viewer

Right-Click tia_viewer and select Activate Service of the context menu.

When being asked Do you want to activate service /default_host/tia/tia_viewer? , select Yes.


Now the web service is activated and listening.

  1. Right-Click tia_viewer again and select Test Service of the context menu.

The browser opens and shows following browser will open and will show the following result:


When JSON document above is returned, the connection test is successful, although the property success in the response is false. This is because the test request did not contain a JSON-formatted POST document expected by tia_viewer web service.