Parent | Configuration | Required | Default | Type | Description | |||
| String | Hostname of the server with the content server | ||||
| Integer | Port of the content server usually | ||||
| String | Protocol of the content server | |||
| String | Context Path of the server usually | |||
| tia Viewer maps repositories to instance | List<String> | Relevant in CSV configuration, see This parameter allows to map repositories to instances that can be configured separately. For more information see Instance settings . Example in YAML configuration file:
| ||||
| Boolean | Default setting when the request for print does not contain any information whether to include the notes or not. | |||
| Boolean | Default setting when the request for print does not contain any information whether to include the annotations or not. | |||
| |
| String | This default is not intended for production use: Change this value | |||
| String | Default stamps available to all instances, additional to the instance specific configured values. Stamp files are supported in the following formats: Configuration allows to enter a folder e.g.:
one or more files:
| |||
| Integer | Max size of cache entries, i.e. one stamp file is one entry. If more stamps are present, the oldest ones are removed from cache. | |||
| Integer | Lifetime of unused entries in stamp cache in minutes. | |||
| Integer | Max file size in bytes of each stamp file. | |||
| String (Enum) | How emails are displayed and edited. Available values:
| |||
| String | Content Security Policy. Secure against various atacks like XSS, Injection and more. See: | ||||
| String | CORS Header: Access-Control-Allowed-Origin. The Browser Accepts resources from the allowed origin. In the default, it will be created from:
Can be directly overwritten with
Allowed values are:
| ||||
| List<String> | CORS Header: Access-Control-Allowed-Methods. The methods that are allowed by the browser to be used to access resources. See: Allowed values are:
| |||||
| List<String> | CORS Header: Access-Control-Allowed-Headers. The Headers, that are allowed by the browser. See: Allowed values are:
| ||||
| Boolean | CORS Header: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials. Tell the browser, whether it allowes cross-origin request credentials or not (credentials may be in cookies etc.) See: Example:
| ||||
| String(Enum) | CORS Header: X-Frame-Options. Tells the browser if it accept the content of the viewer when its embedded in an IFrame. See:
Allowed values are:
| ||||
| String (Enum) | Cross-Site Protection Header.
See: Allowed values are: