When clicking on the Queues-menu item within the Administration-menu you’ll see an overview of all defined scan queues. A scan queue is used in order to route a scan process to a certain destination directory. In most cases this directory is being monitored by a KGS DocumentRouter-instance for further processing (e.g.: archiving and uploading a barcode directly to an SAP system). When opening the Queues-menu, you’ll see a list of all existing scan queues, which have been defined on this scan server. Opened “Queue”-menu with overview of defined scan queues |
The overview of the scan queues provides you with the following information. Column name | Description |
Id | The unique Id of the queue within this scan server. | Queue Name | The name that was given, when the queue was created. | Description | The description text, that has been provided during the creation or when editing the queue. | Destination | Describes the destination directory to which the scan queue will copy the batches to. | Actions | Within this column you’ll see two icons. The pencil is being used in order to edit an existing scan queue. The garbage bin is being used in order to delete an existing scan queue. |
Adding a new scan queue or editing an existing oneIn order to create a new scan queue please click on the + Add Queue…-button in the top right corner. Opened “Edit Queue”-modal, which allows you to add a new queue or edit an existing one. |
After clicking on that button, the Edit Queue-modal will be displayed by KGS ScanServer which allows you the following. Option name | Type | Description |
Queue Name | Textbox | Within this field, you may define the name of the queue. notePlease note: The name of the queue will be displayed within KGS Scan when exporting to KGS ScanServer. It’s recommended to give each scan queue an appropriate name in order to make it easier for your administrators, scan profile administrators as well as the scan client users what each scan queue is being used for.
Please note: The name of the queue will be displayed within KGS Scan when exporting to KGS ScanServer. It’s recommended to give each scan queue an appropriate name in order to make it easier for your administrators, scan profile administrators as well as the scan client users what each scan queue is being used for.
| Description | Textbox | Within this field, you may enter a further description, which might help in case more information is required in order to understand why this specific scan queue exists and what it is being used for. | Destination | Textbox | Within this field you may define the target directory to which batches shall be saved to. | copyXML | Checkbox | This field defines whether the transfer.xml (control file) shall be copied to the configured destination as well. Checked: The transfer.xml-file will be copied to the destination directory. Unchecked: The transfer.xml-file won’t be copied to the destination directory. |
Deleting an existing scan queueIn order to delete an existing scan queue simply click on the garbage bin-icon. This will open the Queue Remove-modal, which will show you profile groups as well as scan profiles related to the scan queue you’re about to delete. Opened “Queue Remove”-modal. |
In case that the queue has already been used by a scan profile in order to export one or more batches to it, the Queue Remove-modal will enforce that you select another queue from the Choose another Queue-list. This makes sure, that no scan profile will show errors after a scan queue has been deleted. notePlease note: The version number of the scan groups in which the scan profiles exist will be incremented in order to make sure, that each scan client will download the scan groups again.
Please note: The version number of the scan groups in which the scan profiles exist will be incremented in order to make sure, that each scan client will download the scan groups again.