KGS Scan can communicate with the SAP application servers as well as the SAP message servers. In order to communicate with SAP, you’ll have to install the SAP .Net Connector (SAP NCo) and follow the steps described in Install SAP .NET Connector (SAP NCo). After following these steps you may set up the Index SAP Configuration by clicking on the SAP Config …-button within the Indexing-options menu. “Indexing”-options menu with highlighted “SAP Config …”-button |
After clicking on this button, you’ll be lead to the SAP Config which allows you to enter the credentials necessary to connect to your SAP system. By default, you’ll see the SAP application server configuration, but you may switch to the message server configuration instead by clicking on the Use Message Server-button. SAP Application Server ConfigurationYou may define the following parameters, depending on your setup and requirements. Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
Destination Name | Textbox | ✔ | Defines the name or alias of the target. You may freely define this parameter, but you may not leave it blank. E.g.: Callisto | App Server Host / IP | Textbox | ✔ | The address of the application server - either an IP-address or a hostname. E.g.:
| System Number | Textbox | ✔ | The SAP system number of the system you wish to connect to. E.g.: 00 | System ID | Textbox | ✘ | The unique identifier of the SAP system (SAP SID) E.g.: E67 | SAP User | Textbox | ✔ | The user name used for logging in to the SAP system. E.g.: JANEDOE | SAP User Password | Textbox | ✔ | The password associated with the SAP user for logging in to the SAP system. E.g.: MyPassword123 | SAP Client | Textbox | ✔ | The SAP client number to be used for logging in to the SAP system. E.g.: 800 | Use SNC | Checkbox | ✘ (Except if SNC SSO needs to be used) | When this checkbox is being enabled SNC will be used. | SNC Name | Textbox | ✘ (Except if SNC SSO needs to be used) | In case SNC is being used, you may define here the SNC partner name of the SAP system. E.g.: p:CN=ACX, O=KGS-Software, C=US | Use SNC SSO | Checkbox | ✘ (Except if SNC SSO needs to be used) | When this checkbox is being enabled SNC SSO will be used. | Language | Selection | ✔ | Language that is used to logon on the SAP-systems. REturn values from SAP function calls are usually shown in that language Possible Values: | SAP RouterString | Text | ✘ | Used to establish a connection to SAP ERP with a SAP Router. |
After defining the parameters to your needs, you may test the connection by clicking the Ping SAP System-button in the top-right corner. When clicking on the Ping SAP System-button you’ll either get a status message that tells you the connection was successful or that the connection wasn’t successful. In that case please check the parameters you entered. SAP Configuration with unsuccessful connection | SAP Configuration with a successful connection |
 |  |
SAP Message Server ConfigurationIn addition to the application-server-method described above, you may also connect to an SAP message server. In order to set up an SAP Message Server configuration please click on the button Use Message Server. Here you may define the following parameters (depending on your requirements). Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
System ID / R3 Name | Textbox | ✔ | The name or alias name of the target computer. You may freely assign this parameter, but you may not leave it blank. E.g.: Callisto-Message-Server | Message Server Host | Textbox | ✔ | The address of the message server - either an IP-address or a hostname. | Msg Server Service | Textbox | ✘ | In case a specific message server service is used you may define it here. | Logon Group | Textbox | ✘ | In case a logon group is being used, please define it heer. | SAP User | Textbox | ✔ | The username is being used in order to login into the SAP system. E.g.: JANEDOE | SAP User Password | Textbox | ✔ | The password, which is being associated with the SAP user used for logging into the SAP system. E.g.: MyPassword123 | SAP Client | Textbox | ✔ | The SAP client number to be used for logging in to the SAP system. E.g.: 800 | use SNC | Checkbox | ✘ | When this checkbox is being enabled SNC will be used. | SAP SNC SSO | Checkbox | ✘ | When this checkbox is being enabled SNC SSO will be used. | Language | Selection | ✔ | Language that is used to logon on the SAP-systems. REturn values from SAP function calls are usually shown in that language Possible Values: | SAP RouterString | Text | ✘ | Used to establish a connection to SAP ERP with a SAP Router. |
Configuring the SAP function modulIn order to make documents that have been scanned and archived to the archive available in the SAP system, it’s necessary to call an SAP function module, which will perform the so-called linking procedure. As part of this procedure, the function module links the document to suitable SAP business objects. In order to choose the SAP Function module please click on the Module Function tab within the Index SAP Configuration. After clicking on the tab Module Function you may either use the standard function module /KGS1/SCAN_ATTR or in case you did not install it on your SAP system and are using another module you may also choose a Custom module and enter the module within the Custom-field. Opened “Module Function”-tab with “Custom”-SAP Function module textbox. |
Please note: In order to perform such linking procedures (in the BDS_BAR_EX-table) for the late archiving SAP ArchiveLink scenario, you need to pass a linking barcode value to the SAP system. To ensure this is possible, you have to configure at least one index field of the type Barcode Table or Separation Barcode! |