The Batch Transfers-menu allows you to list all so far done batch transfers, change the status of a specific batch transfer or delete a transfer completely. You may enter the batch transfer overview by clicking on the Batch Transfers-menu within the Administration-menu on the left-hand side.

Highlighted “Batch Transfers”-icon within the “Administration”-menu.

When clicking on that icon, you’ll be displayed an overview of all existing batch transfers as well as some additional information.

Batch transfer overview.

The batch transfer overview will present you the following information.

Column name



A unique Id of a transfer that was exported using the KGS Scanserver-Exporter within KGS Scan.

Queue Name

The name of the queue which was used within this transfer.

Batch Name

The name of the locally created batch before the actual transfer.

Batch User

The username of the LDAP account, who has scanned and exported the batch.

Batch Date

The timestamp of the scanned batch.


The number of documents that had been transferred.

Transfer Start

The timestamp, when the transfer had been started.

Transfer End

The timestamp, when the transfer was completed.


The IP v4 address of the PC from which the transfer has been started.


The current status of the transfer.

The following values are possible:

  • Copy to destination failed

  • Transfer copy successful

  • Transfer to server successful

  • Transfer pending


Within the Actions-column you’ll see the following three symbols.

  • Pencil: Clicking this button will open the Transfer ID n-modal, which allows you to change the status of a batch transfer.

  • Garbage bin: Clicking this button will allow you to remove a batch transfer.

Please note: Clicking on the Garbage bin-symbol will remove the batch transfer without further warning and cannot be undone!

  • Circling arrows: Clicking this button will open the Rerun Processes-modal, which allows you to reset the current status whicch has the following effect:
    * The current status of this batch transfer is being reset
    * OCR is being done again(Optical Character Recognition - currently only supported, when KGS ScanServer is being deployed within a Windows environment)
    * The batch is being copied to the queue’s destination
    * Ant-scripts (if available) are being executed.