

  • ILM: prop-files are remaining after deletion



  • storage.cfg is now checked in webserver root



  • fix orpaned or missing info files

  • fix S3 double locks

  • better retention date reached messages

  • ILM EMC DB Oracle Bug fixed

  • Azure fixes

  • Fix for ILM inconsistent date_time in expiration_date


  • rename product name



  • Fix for HCP retention

  • Several fixes for storage type 13


  • Added "ATTR_COMP_PROPERTY_RETENTION" as settable value for ComponentCreateExt

  • Added HashAlg and HashSum validation for ComponentCreateExt for storage type 13

  • Introduced new storage type 13 "Managed Buckets"



  • Fixed S3 storage type handling of encoded special characters in CompID



  • New DMS DocProperty 103 = DMS_DOC_PROPERTY_CHECKSIGNATURE. This parameter can be set and retrieved to indicate that a signature was created and should be checked by the application

  • New Parameter UseFlatStylePath = true|false for Storage Type S3. If set to true, the path style storage is disabled

  • New Parameter DocumentMetaDataRepresentation = true|false for Storage Type S3. If set to true, all document data is stored to the blob metadata instead of a blob-file


  • Improved FSDB storage type security against possible sql injections



  • New S3 storage type parameters



  • Fixed Cache Memory leak

3.6.1 (and earlier)

09.07.2019 3.6.1  ::GK:: FIXED Long startup time when checking db tables and columns 
09.07.2019 3.6.1  ::GK:: FIXED error retrieving documents with SUSE Enterprise Storage 5.5 (unaccessible custom metadata) 
24.06.2019 3.6.0  ::GK:: ILM setProperties on Document level implemented
24.06.2019 3.6.0  ::GK:: new Container implementation
24.06.2019 3.6.0  ::GK:: new ExecutorService for replacing various threads
24.06.2019 3.6.0  ::GK:: fixed S3 Component selection
24.06.2019 3.6.0  ::GK:: converted S3 custom meta to lowercase chars.
23.05.2019 3.5.9  ::GK:: added setDocumentProperties LOCK and Retension for FSDB document  
09.05.2019 3.5.8  ::GK:: added logging for container handling 
09.05.2018 3.5.1  ::GK:: FIX: after component update, a wrong component size was returned with EMC Storage 
09.04.2018 3.5.0  ::GK:: Added Reconnect to DocumentKeySet with external database 
Version V03.47
- FIX increasing database connections for storage-type EMCDB
Version V03.46P2
- Buffersize increased for Containerfileextraxt to 100 MB
- new Component Property DMS_COMP_PROPERTY_HASHKEY_EXISTS 111 -> Hashkey if exists, otherwise ""
- new parameter DocAccount for StorageType 7 
- decimal numbers now allowed for parameter ContainerMaxDocSizeMB and ContainerMaxMB 
Version V03.46P1
- Exception in Mode StorageType=3 if the filesize doesn't match with the database field FileLen.
- Fix java.lang.NumberFormatException in StorageType 3 if compentent > 2GB
Version V03.46
- new parameter dDocTypeFieldName for StorageType 7
- no out of index exception if the access to envirnoment variables fails
Version V03.45P4
- Extended logging for oracle UCM. LogMode=16 logs Oracle search results (you can combine it with other loglevels e.x. LogMode=23 -> 16 + 7).  
Version V03.45P3
- StorageType FSDB: Exception in componentRead and componentGet if the filesize of the data file in the filesystem is different to the filesize stored in the DB. 
Version V03.45P2
- parameter to limit Filenamelength StorageType FS, NetApp, ICasFS.
Version V03.45P1
- Use java method getUsableSpace instead of getFreeSpace to support EXT4 file systems.
Version V03.45
- Dataencoding for StorageFS, NetApp, ICASFS
Version V03.44 P2
- Fix null pointer Exception componentPropertyGet, Property HASHKEY if Hashkeybuilding not configured
Version V03.44 P1
- ICASFS new parameter to configure waitingtime for offline attribut (WaitForOfflineAttr)
Version V03.44
- in FSDB Mode filenames now ending with the extension corresponding to mimetyp
- Oracle UCM file checkin will now pass a filename with extention 
- new Parameter EnableContainerStreaming for Mode EMC CENTERA DB
- BUGFIX FreeDiscSpaceArchPath behaivor. Switch to to next path now is limit reached
- in FSDB Mode compid part of the filename will now replaced by a GUID in case of an compid not equal data,note or descr  
- does Hashalgo property exists Hashkey must exists too  
- does Hashkey property exists Hashalg must exists too  
- new Attributtes for method componentCreateExt (format YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
Version V03.43P3
- support system variable in path configuration
Version V03.43P2
- remove double slash behind repositryID from documentpath
Version V03.43P1
- Encrypted Password prefix now "<xKGSEPx>" instead of "" ("" still accepted, but new PW will have the new prefix)
- NetApp retention lock in websphere environment on Linux uses touch and chmod command (MTU special) 
Version V03.43
- Support ZIP Files with no sizeinfo in ZIP-EntryHeader
Version V03.42P3
- Sequenz in update methode changed. first step write a tempfile (info and data), then delete originals and than rename the tempfile to original filenames
Version V03.42P2
- set readonlyflag in ICASFS mode also without retention for component files
Version V03.42P1
- changing lookup string from "java:/comp/env" to "java:comp/env"
Version 3.42
- DuplicatePath feature
- ComponentID's can now contain characters like <>:\/?
Version 3.41
- componentRegisterContainer nun auch fr EMCDB
- componentRegister nun auch fr EMCDB
- setting lastaccessdate now with Java functions -> Java 1.7 needed
Version 3.40
- Support Oracle 11g
Version 3.39P1
- Bugfix Update Centera -> if SQL update Clip-ID fails, the original Clip was not accessable 
Version 3.39E1
- Hashkey support II -> nach nderung der Konfiguration bei jedem get Zugriff Hashvalues neue ermitteln und in DB updaten
Version 3.39
- Hashkey support
Version 3.38
- Support DELL DX
Version 3.37
- ComponentCreate: write Documentproperties for DB and FS first, before write ComponentEntries. This is a better Sequenz for componentCreateExt (Problem invalid doc Properties)
- Delete File in temporary ZIP-Container if the container is in TEMP area. Independed of the parameter (EnableFileDelete) 
Version 3.36
- support for Oracle UCM
- locking files with Mode=3 for ICAS 
Version 3.35P4
- Retention Konfiguration
Version 3.35P1
- Compression Property for EMC DB und FS DB
Version 3.35E1
- New parameter FolderPrefix  
Version 3.35
- Documentkeyset for Databases (Keymode=1) 
Version 3.34
- Support of Timestamps for Mirgration4ArchiveLink
Version 3.33P1
- EMC Centera with Driver 3.2.705
Version 3.33
- Extend Containering 
- More then one Archpath possible now
Version 3.32
- Conversion modus for Storage FS 
Version 3.31P1
- Extend Containerring with Context-Name Parameter in WEB.XML
- Profilelocation can now be specified in WEB.XML
Version 3.31
- No Defaultpath during in initialisation

Version 3.30
- DatabaseFS mode supports now containering 

Version 3.29
- iCAS FS fr ArchiveLink Untersttzung

Version 3.28
- iCAS Untersttzung

Version 3.27
- neue Funktion resourceGet in ILM Interface

Version 3.26
- EMC Modus KGS Store with Database

Version 3.25 P1
- FIX remove Keys when document deleted

Version 3.25
- support DocumentKeysSet and DocFinder 

Version 3.24
- IML support

Version 3.23
- BUGFIX: Lock files on AIX when comp-ID contains blanks.

Version 3.22
- Filesystemaccess optional with C++ library
- support docids with blank FS/Netapp/EMC

Version 3.21 
- DB Access with only one connection

Version 3.20 P1
- bugfix: readonly repositories works only if more than one repository was defined as read only

Version 3.20
- support more than 1 EMC Centera connection (needed to address diverent pools )
- NetApp: Retention and DeletionDate Property now only in Info Component
- Software protection by Retention Property

Version 3.19
- NetApp: Retention and DeletionDate Property now in Info Component as well

Version 3.18
- new method componentCreateExt -> needed for compression flag NetApp

Version 3.16
- Password DB access encrypted
- prefix database tablenames configurable

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