Inside this tab SAP connections can be defined.
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Default Value | |
SAPLinkRemoteFunction | String | Within this field you may define the user function used for linking the documents to SAP Business Objects. By default the following user function will be used: ARCHIV_CONNECTION_INSERT (e.g.: ZKGS_ARCHIV_CONNECTION_INSERT) | ARCHIV_CONNECTION_INSERT | |
SAPCommit | Checkbox | This parameter may be used togehter with your own user remote function in order to execute explicitily a commit on the SAP database after inserting a link entry into the SAP ArchiveLink table. false = No explicit commit will be done true = An explicit commit will be done | Unchecked | |
SAPConnection | DropDown | Choose a SAP connection defined within the KGS SAP Connector. If no connection is required, please choose none. | None | |
PerformKeySetBeforeArchiving | Checkbox | It is possible to get information from SAP via document id. If the document id is determined by external system, DocumentRouter can ask SAP before archiving for these information. Then while archiving via SAPALink it is possible to store these additional information as meta data into archive. In order to get these information before archiving this flag needs to be checked. | Unchecked | |
BCSAPLinkObject | DropDown | The parameter BCSAPLinkObject defines whether a document should be linked to an SAP business object after archiving. This parameter serves as fallback in case no explicit definition was found. It’s good practice to always provide an explicit definition for the content repositories. It’s good practice to always provide an explicit definition for the content repositories. In case multiple file types are being processed the definition of a single file name extension determines which document types are being linked to SAP (e.g.: pdf|txt → All documents with the file extensions .pdf or .txt will be linked to SAP)
available settings:
| 1 | |
RecheckingType | DropDown | You may define the level of checks done for the linking process to SAP. You may choose from the following list provided by KGS DocumentRouter.
| None |