Admin Manual (ZADOC)

Admin Manual (ZADOC)


tia ZADOC is a software package that enables SAP-based document storage and research processes in a uniform user interface.
A special feature of this SAP add-on application is that archived documents do not necessarily need a reference to SAP standard objects (such as BKPF or VBAK). For example, documents for leasing vehicles or measuring equipment protocols can be managed with little effort.

The attribute values ​​that are to be used to describe the archived documents can be freely selected.

The settings are made via a few customizing steps.

Other tia ZADOC features:
• Any document type (PDF, TIFF, etc.) can be stored in an ArchiveLink™-capable archive system connected to the respective SAP system in dialog or via batch scenarios.

• In addition to the comprehensive search functions, there are extended storage scenarios available that can be used to easily and conveniently implement interactive archiving in dialog and mass storage of documents in batch mode.

• ZADOC supports the use of SAP ArchiveLink and SAP DVS document types.

• As long as the OLE-Interface is supported by Microsoft the storage of emails directly from Microsoft Outlook can be easily integrated.

• The SAP authorization system is integrated in KGS ZADOC.

• Archived documents can be displayed in a hierarchical structure using the tia ZADOC file manager.

Prerequisites for the installation of the software

To install tia ZADOC in the SAP system, the SAP transport container tia E75K900370 - ZADOC Version 3.6.3 Full Install ECC6.0 EhP8 - 7.50 04.24.zip, which is provided by KGS, must be imported into the SAP system.
Please note: For a successful import of the ZADOC transport, SAP Note 1560955 must be installed.

SAP ArchiveLink settings

The customer-specific settings that are necessary to archive and display tia ZADOC documents are encapsulated in the SAP ArchiveLink® interface. This interface has its own customer-specific settings.

The prerequisite for the tia ZADOC software system to function fully is that the ArchiveLink basic customizing has been fully implemented in the SAP system.

Transaction OAC0

At least one content repository must be configured in transaction OAC0.

The configuration of the repository should look similar to the one shown in the following image:


Transaction OAC2

For each tia ZADOC document type, a reference is made to an ArchiveLink document type in SAP. This ArchiveLink document type can be created using transaction OAC2.




Each customizing entry consists of four fields:

  1. Document type: Unique technical name of an ArchiveLink document type (length: up to 10 characters, starting with “Z”, “Y” or the customer-specific namespace such as “/KGS1/”).

  2. Description: Language-dependent name of the document type. The name is displayed in all SAP standard transactions. It describes the document type and helps to identify documents that are linked to a specific SAP business object. Normally only this description is visible to the user (length: up to 40 characters).

  3. Document class: Technical document type. The document type is used to identify the archive format (file type) for documents in the content server. Possible values: “PDF”, “TIF”, “DOC” etc., plus “*” wildcard character (“*” stands for any technical document type).

  4. Status: Status flag: This indicator field has no influence on ArchiveLink itself. The status flag is used to determine whether a document type is displayed in the “Business Document Navigator” as a standard document type (status “X”) or a non-standard document type (status = “-“).

Transaction OAC3

In transaction OAC3, the creation of a link between the previously defined ArchiveLink document type and a suitable SAP business object must be specified.
If tia ZADOC is used for NON-SAP documents, the business object ZDOCUMENT or BUS0815 can be used.






  1. Object type: SAP business object types are linked to a special processing program tailored to this object type using certain basic data, key fields, attributes, methods with parameters, and events. Each object type encapsulates a basic business object logic (for example, the creation of a sales order) together with key field definitions to uniquely identify these objects (for example, an order number).

  2. Document type: Name of the ArchiveLink document type defined in transaction OAC2.

  3. L: Status flag for the link. OAC3 entries are only taken into account if this flag has the value “X”.

  4. Cont. Rep. ID: ID for establishing a connection to a content repository via which documents can be stored in a content server. Content repositories are defined in transaction OAC0. “Content Repository IDs” consist of two letters (e.g. “FI” or “T1”).

  5. Link: Name of the ArchiveLink link table. The relationships between SAP business objects and archived documents are managed in these link tables. SAP supplies four predefined tables in its standard systems (TOA01, TOA02, TOA03, TOAHR). These tables are often also called "TOA tables". In addition to the tables included in the standard SAP delivery, customer-specific tables can be created if required and then used to store ArchiveLink links (see the SAP customizing transaction OAD3).

  6. Retent. Period: Retention period. Number of months after which a link entry of a stored document can be deleted from the respective link table. This value is required for data archiving and for the SAP standard software component ILM. If the value is not used, it can also be left empty (value = “0”).
    ILM = Information Life-Cycle Management

ZADOC-Customizing document type

The behavior of tia ZADOC archiving and retrieval transactions can be defined by a set of customizing options. These options include transactions for

  • maintaining the tia ZADOC document types (for example, raw material specifications are used by procurement, additional inspection plans by QA and technical specifications by design),

  • defining a set of attributes used by the respective ZADOC document types,

  • specifying specific default values ​​for various attributes, as well as for

  • maintaining storage categories to be used in conjunction with DVS document info records.

The following chapters describe how to use these transactions.

Maintenance of the ZADOC link tables (/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_M3)


The tia ZADOC software package already contains five link tables (/KGS1/ZADOC_LNK1, ..., /KGS1/ZADOC_LNK5) as standard. If required, these tables can be supplemented with customer-specific tables.

Assignment of ZADOC document types to link tables (/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_MT)


Links the specified ZADOC document types with a dedicated ZADOC link table. For ZADOC document types that are not listed in this table, the default value /KGS1/ZADOC_LNK1 applies.

….Customizing of global ZADOC parameters Transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_PA

Global parameters are created and maintained via this transaction.




Important note: The parameter “VERSION3” must always be set to the value “X” to activate the document-oriented attribute storage supported in ZADOC version 3.x.


Maintenance of ZADOC document types (/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_DO)


The structural element most commonly used by tia ZADOC software is called “ZADOC document type”. While ZADOC is executing archiving or retrieval transactions, the ZADOC document type is the first piece of information to be specified.
Example: When using the ZADOC retrieval transaction to search for “raw material specifications”, one can select the previously defined document type MATERIAL.


Meaning of the table columns shown:




Possible values




Possible values


ZADOC document type

Unique identifier for each ZADOC document type

Any unique name consisting of up to 10 characters.



Shortcut for the document type name

Two freely selectable letters (e.g. “MA”)


Technical Document type

Contains either the name of an existing ArchiveLink document type (see transaction OAC2) or the name of an existing DVS document type (see transaction DC10).

For valid ArchiveLink document types, see column AR_OBJECT in table TODV.
For valid DVS document types, see column DOKAR in table TDWA.


Document type is used in DVS

Flag: If set, ZADOC creates and maintains DMS document info records and links stored documents to SAP business objects.

Check box: either set or empty.


Cross-Plant document type

Flag: If set, ZADOC documents are saved across plants. Subsequent access to such documents is then possible regardless of the plant to which a user belongs.

Check box: either set or empty.


Sales Org.related

If this flag is set, a connection to a sales organization is saved. This connection must be set during the archiving process.

Check box: either set or empty.


ZADOC document type description

Standard text used to identify the ZADOC document type.

Any description text.


Main SAP business object type

Most important object type used to create ArchiveLink or DVS links between stored documents and SAP business objects.

For valid SAP object types, see table TOJTB.
For valid DVS document types, see table TDWO.


Search Help

Search Help for main SAP object type

Standard SAP Search help


SAP object type 2 … 9 (optional)

Additional business object types that are linked to a document. If the DVS flag is set in column 4, this field may only contain a DVS-compatible DVS object type.

For valid SAP object types, see table TOJTB.
For valid DVS document types, see table TDW


Download Date




Download Time




Download DT first




Save attributes




Delete Document




Connection Table V2

Obsolete: ZADOC link table – only needs to be specified if using ZADOC version 2.x.

/KGS1/ZADOC_NEXxx= 1,2,3,4 or 5

Maintenance of ZADOC attributes (/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_AT)


The attributes available for ZADOC can be maintained using the transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_AT. Just like /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_DO, this transaction uses an SAP table maintenance dialog to insert, modify or delete document type-related attribute entries. After starting the transaction, the following screen is displayed (example):


Each attribute definition consists of the following fields:

  1. ZADOC Doc. Type: This field refers to the ZADOC document type for which this attribute is to be made available.

  2. Attribute Name: This field must contain an attribute name (uppercase only, up to 16 characters) that is used to identify the attribute.

  3. Attribute Text: This field can contain a descriptive text for the attribute (up to 32 characters long) that is used for identification purposes (see the ZADOC archiving and retrieval transactions).

  4. Seq. No.: This field determines the order in which the ZADOC attributes are displayed on the screen. The smaller the value, the higher the attribute is displayed in the attribute input areas of the pop-up windows and the selection screens.

  5. ABAP type: Select specific ABAP type: Possible ABAP types for correct storage in the tia ZADOC tables

  6. Mandatory: This check box contains a check mark if the corresponding attribute is to be treated as a mandatory attribute, i.e. if the attribute field must be filled with a non-empty value. Please note: Within the ZADOC transactions, mandatory fields are marked with a symbol (see file name and status attributes in the screenshot below).

  7. Restricted: Only predefined values ​​may be used. These values ​​are offered by the field input search help.

  8. R/O during Upload: If this flag is set, the attribute field cannot be changed when the document is saved.

  9. Use in GOS Title: If the flag is set, the attribute is used as part of the title in the GOS and is therefore visible in the ArchiveLink hit lists (requirement: SAP Note 1560955 "Additional attributes for GOS attachment list" has been imported into the relevant SAP system).
    Note: The "Use in GOS Title" function is currently only available for the FILENAME and XVERSION attributes. GOS = Generic Object Services

  10. Length check:

  11. Upper case:

  12. Auto fill:

  13. Search Help Name: Contains the ABAP object name of the search help to be offered in the attribute entry and selection screens (e.g. company code: C_T001).

  14. Check Table: Contains the name of the database table against which the entered attribute values ​​are checked (example for company code: table is T001; in combination with the field name BUKRS specified as "Check Field", only company codes from table T001 are accepted as valid field values ​​in this example).

  15. Check Field: Name of the check field that is to be used to carry out the validity checks described above (example for company code: BUKRS).

  16. Default value:

  17. Filename:


Special predefined attribute values ​​(/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_AV)

Predefined attribute values ​​can be defined per ZADOC document type after starting the transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_AV. This transaction uses a table maintenance dialog to insert, change or delete attribute values. After starting, the transaction displays the following screen (example):


Each attribute definition consists of four fields:

  1. ZADOC Document Type: This field contains the name of the tia ZADOC document type for which predefined attribute values ​​are to be made available.

  2. Attribute Name: This field image-20240626-092642.png must contain one of the attribute names maintained in transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_AT (uppercase letters only, up to 16 characters) with which the attribute is identified.

  3. Sequence Number: This field determines the order that is to be used to display ZADOC predefined attribute values.

  4. Attribute Value: This field can contain any attribute value (length: up to 64 characters).


…Maintenance of permission roles (/KGS1/MAINT_ROLE)




…Maintenance of dynamic hotspots (KGS1/ZADOC_FILE_HTS)





Language-dependent document type names (/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_DX)

Language-specific names for ZADOC document types can be maintained byimage-20240626-092415.png starting the transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_DX. This transaction uses a table maintenance dialog to insert, change or delete values. If this table does not contain names for a specific language (column "Language"), the standard name of the relevant document type (see transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_DO) is used instead.
After starting the transaction, the following screen is displayed (example):


Each definition consists of three fields:

  1. ZADOC Document Type: This field contains the ZADOC document type for which the language-dependent description is to be used.

  2. Language: Language code (two characters). Values ​​from the SAP standard table T002 (LAISO field) can be specified here.

  3. ZADOC Document Type Description: Contains a language-specific description for the relevant ZADOC document type.

Language-dependent attribute names (/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_TX)

Language-specific attribute names can be maintained by starting the transaction /KGS1/ZADOC-_MAINT_TX. This transaction uses a table maintenance dialog to insert, change or delete values. If this table does not contain a description for a specific language code, the standard attribute names of the relevant ZADOC attribute are used instead (see transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_AT).
After starting the transaction, the following screen is displayed (example):


Each definition consists of four fields:

  1. ZADOC Document Type: This field contains the ZADOC document type for which the language-dependent name is to be used.

  2. Language: Language code (two characters). Values ​​from the SAP standard table T002 (LAISO field) can be specified here.

  3. Attribute Name: Contains the relevant attribute name.

  4. Attribute Text: Contains a language-specific name for the ZADOC attribute.

Language-specific attribute values ​​(/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_VX)

Language-specific attribute values ​​can be maintained byimage-20240626-092954.png starting the transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_VX. This transaction uses a table maintenance dialog to insert, change or delete values. If this table does not contain a description for a specific language code, the default value specified in the transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_AV is used instead.
After starting the transaction, the following screen is displayed (example):


Each definition consists of five fields:

  1. ZADOC Document Type: This field contains the ZADOC document type for which the language-dependent name is to be used.

  2. Language: Language code (two characters). Values ​​from the SAP standard table T002 (LAISO field) can be specified here.

  3. Attribute Name: Contains the relevant attribute name.

  4. Seq. No.: The Sequence Number field is used to specify the order in which the attribute values ​​defined here are offered to the user.

  5. Attribute Value: Contains a language-specific value for the ZADOC attribute.If an SAP object type has a key field with a number range object, this transaction is used to set the number range parameters (example):

Maintenance of ZADOC number ranges (/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_NR)

If an SAP Business object type has a key field with a number range object, this transaction is used to set the number range parameters (example):

  1. SAP Business Object Type: SAP Business Object. Possible Values BUS0815.

  2. Number Range Object: Generates unique, sequential values ​​for an object. Possible Values: /KGS1/BCD

  3. Interval Number: Interval number of the number range object. Possible Values: 01, 02, … (depending on customizing in transaction SNRO)

Note: You must ensure that the interval of the number range /KGS1/BCD is defined correctly. Please use transaction SNRO (example):






Customizing for the ZADOC file manager

Customizing of the file ID (/KGS1/ZADOC_FILE_ID)

Using this transaction you can create ZADOC files (example):





Possible values




Possible values




Any name containing up to 10 characters.


File Description

Description of the file

Any description text, consisting of up to 64 characters


Add. Sel.

Flag: Indicates whether an additional selection should be made. Applies to cross-file searches

Flag is set or not set



Flag: Indicates whether a file should be used as a sub-file (also called a “tab”) of another file.

Flag is set or not setFlag:

Customizing of sub-files (/KGS1/ZADOC_FILE_DOC)

This transaction defines the order of the sub-files (example) within the file:





Possible values




Possible values




Any name containing up to 10 characters.

Note: The namespace is not limited to “Y” and “Z”.


ZADOC Document Type

Assignment of the file to a ZADOC document type

Any ZADOC document type

(see transaction /kgs1/zadoc_maint_do)


Sequence Number

Sequential number. The sub-files are displayed in the order specified here.

1, 2, 3, . . .

Customizing of the file selection attributes (/KGS1/ZADOC_FILE_ATT)

All ZADOC document types included in a file of the ZADOC file manager should consist at least of one identical attribute throuout the whole file. The identical attributes can be taken to reduce the amount of documents in the file.





Possible values




Possible values




Any name containing up to 10 characters.

Note: The namespace is not limited to “Y” and “Z”.


Attribute name

Name of the attribute

Any name containing up to 10 characters.

Note: The namespace is not limited to “Y” and “Z”.


Attribute Text

Description of the Attribute

Any name containing up to 32 characters.


Sequence number






Flag set or not set




Flag set or not set




Flag set or not set


Search Help Name


Name of the SAP Search help


Table name


Name of the Check table


Field name


Name of the check field


Default value


Default value

…Customizing of language-specific file description (/KGS1/ZADOC_FILE_TXT)





…Customizing of language-specific file search parameters (/KGS1/ZADOC_FILE_ATX)






DVS Customizing

DVS = SAP Document Management System. SAP DVS is often used to manage documents that are not only to be stored in a content repository, but are also subject to a change cycle as "living documents". To manage the change cycle, DVS allows the assignment of version numbers, status values ​​and other characteristics to the documents. The descriptive information is stored in so-called document info records. See also the application transactions CV01N, CV02N, CV03N and CV04N.

Transaction OACT

If you want to use tia ZADOC for archiving and retrieving DVS documents, you must create a storage category and assign it to the relevant tia ZADOC document type. The standard transaction OACT is used to create and maintain storage categories.



Create a category, four fields must be filled in:

  1. Category: Name of the storage category. Assignment of the repository on the physical level to the category on the logical level.

  2. Description: Short description of the category used when displaying this category.

  3. Document Area: Application used in the SAP component KPro to store documents. Document areas are the topmost layer in the content model and form the context for document processing. In applications in which documents are important, different application areas can be separated from one another by "document areas".

  4. Content Repository: Name of a content repository in which documents can be stored on a content server.

Transaction DC10

The DVS document type is set up in transaction DC10. Example:


To use DVS document types in conjunction with ti ZADOC, the basic settings of the DVS document types should be adjusted as shown in the previous screenshot.



Important: The ZADOC transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_AR (used to archive ZADOC documents with DVS) sets the status of a document in a new DIS to the value FR. Therefore, the status FR must be set in the "Document Type" and the "predecessor status (Prev. 1)" must be left empty.

Maintenance of the assignment Content Repository - DVS category (/KGS1/ZADOC_MAINT_SC)

The assignment of a content repository to an existing DVS category can be maintained after starting the transaction /KGS1/ZADOC_MAIN_SC. This transaction uses a table maintenance dialog to insert, change or delete predefined attribute values ​​for a DVS document type.
After starting the transaction, the following screen is displayed:


Each definition consists of four fields:

  1. DVS Doc. Type: This field refers to the DVS document type (see Chapter 4.1).

  2. SAP Object Type: This field determines the SAP object type to which the DVS document type refers.

  3. Cont. Rep.: This field contains the name of the content repository to be used when archiving a ZADOC document.

  4. Category: ID for a connection to a content repository via which documents can be stored in a content server (see Chapter 4).

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