The tia® Content Server core versions support automatically or manual sending of volume information to kgs.
In order to run tia® Content Server core sending volume information to kgs is required for billing reasons. This can be done manually or automatically.
tia® Content Server core Version 3.3.0 or higher is required for this functionality.
Manual transfer of volume data
The file needs to be submitted to kgs.
Automatic transmission of volume measurements
tia® Content Server core support automatic volume measurement and sending this information to kgs. This feature is NOT activated by default. This process ist only supported for production environments. Please make sure all tia® Content Server core instances of your production system are configured in the same way. The URL
must be accessible from the system.
in Container environments add these lines to your container environment:
volumecounter.file.counterSender.targetUrl: volumecounter.file.counterSender.isActive: true
for war file server deployments add this your application.yml:
volumecounter: file: counterSender: targetUrl: isActive: true
to see the volume used see
Proxy Configuration
In case direct internet connection is not available, a proxy can be used.
container environment:
volumecounter.file.counterSender.proxy.uri: <yourProxyURL> volumecounter.file.counterSender.proxy.user: <yourProxyUser> volumecounter.file.counterSender.proxy.password: <yourPRoxyPassword>
war file server deployment:
volumecounter: file: counterSender: proxy: uri: <yourProxyURL> user: <yourProxyUser> password: <yourProxyPassword>