Available from Core of tia Version 2.1.0
requires account on https://nexus.kgs-software.com/
Public Access (RELEASE TAG) :
requires account on https://images.docker.kgs-cloud.de
Login to kgs harbour with:
docker login https://images.docker.kgs-cloud.de
docker will prompt for user and password.
Start with docker:
Prepare repository.cfg to map it to directory /application/config
place repository.cfg to in a folder
replace <Folder> with the Folderpath that contains the repository.cfg
replace <Version> with a available version on nexus
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/ -v <Folder>/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -d docker.kgs-software.com/tia/core/<product>:<Version>
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/ -v C:/cmis/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -d docker.kgs-software.com/tia/core/cmis:2.1.0
Docker command:
This parameter -v data_volume:/temp/
is only required when data are stored in /temp/. When you plan to use other storages (like S3) you no not need these parameter. For differen location modify repository.cfg and the command accordingly.
Environmane Variables | |
| Directory where repository.cfg is expected. Default is “/application/config/“ |
| Log Level for core of tia. Default is “Debug”. Recommended for Production is “WARN” or “ERROR”. |
| Point to a log4j2 configuration to overwrite the default one |
You can overwrite these with -e <key>=value