The DocumentRouter tia® Document Router logs into several files:
global logging using KGS Logger Plugin (Logger.txt)
instance logging
DR global logging using KGS Logger Plugin
The DR is logging like any other KGS OSGi bundle using the KGS Logger Plugin.
The general general configuration of it can be found using the UI by clicking
OSGi → Configuration → KGS File Logger.
Beside log file location and name, other settings can be doneset. For further description of this plugin please consult: KGS Logger Plugin
The configuration of the plugin just contain contains details about where an how to log. The log level can has to be set inside the global DR DocumentRouter configuration:
OSGi → Configuration → Global DocumentRouter Configuration
Please Consider that other KGS plugins do log into that file file , tooas well.
DR instance logging
TODO Every KGS DocumentRouter instancehas its own log file. This can be configured inside DocumentRouter instance inside common tab.
Relevant for logging are the follwing fields:
LogDirectory (where the log files will be stored)
LogFilename (how the log file base name is)
Debug (log level 0..4 while 4 means debug and 0 none)
KeepLogfileDays (for log file rotation)
Further information about the fields can be found in DR4 - Tab - Common