The tia® Status UI can be accessed via the web browser using the following URL:
when deployed as container:
http[s]://<FQDN or IP address>:<port>/info
when deployed as WAR file on web application server:
http[s]://<FQDN or IP address>:<port>/<context>/info
secure HTTPS can be configured (recommended)
<FQDN or IP address> refers to the server by full-qualified domain name or IP address running the container
<port> is the server port mapped to the container port when starting the container
<context> is the application context name (see Installation / Deployment (tC) )
A login is required.
For configuration of the user name and passwort read more here: tia® Status UI Authentication
The button is only visible when https://kgs-software.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCUEN/pages/2872049673/Volume+Measurement#Automatic-transmission-of-volume-measurements is configured. An online connection is required for this functionality. This feature requires a production license. This is only Possible with production lizenz, non production lizenz allows to do a connection check with
Connection check is also possible with non-production license by click at the button .
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