Some of our OSGi based main products (like DRtia® Document Router for example) have the possibility to send alerting messages. These products use the centralized funtionality functionality of the SMTP Connector Plugin to do this.
The SMTP plugin can use multiple SMTP Instances with different mail server, topic and recipient configurations. Messages are sent to all instances matching the topic(s) specified in their configuration.
Enter the configuration dialogue in the product’s Webconsole via OSGi -> Configuration -> Global SMTP Configuration in the menu
Display UTC Time: if false it takes local time.
Navigat to ‘Main' -> 'KGS SMTP Connector’ in the Webconsole menu to find the SMTP Connector configuration UI
After clicking ‘Instance manager’ on the left side, you should see the list of configured SMTP instances
You can create new instances using the ‘New Instance’ button on the right. Upon entering a name and pressing the ‘create’ button the list will show the new instance
To open the configuration dialog for an instance click the gear icon in the instance’s row
The configuration parameters are as follows
Config item | meaning | default |
StartAutomatically | <not applicable> | |
SMTPHost | The SMTP server’s hostname | |
SMTPPort | The SMTP port is adjustable for TLS | |
SMTPUsername | SMTP username | |
SMTPPassword | SMTP password. Required if TLS is used | |
Email From | The address used in the E-Mail’s From field | |
EmailReceipient(s) | A comma separated list of email receipients for this instance | |
Topic(s) | A comma separated list of topics the instance should receive messages for | |
SMTPSecurity | none | TLS | none |
UseAuthentication | only used if TLS is used | false |
Some Products using the SMPT KGS products making use of the SMTP Connector Plugin use fixed topic names to send messages to. Others may have configurable topics. Please refer to the documentation of the Product product in question.