Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In addition, decide about and prepare these settings depending on your requirements :


in order to run the container.

Docker parameter

Placeholder name to be replaced

Mapping to container-configuration




Give the tia Core container a custom name. This name is also the application context name.


Hint: You can start multiple instances of the same containers with different ports and different names.




<Hostport>: Listener port on host that forwards to the


listener port in the container, which is always 8080.



<Config Folder>


The folder location on host system where the repository.cfg resides.



<License Folder>


The location on host system where the license file resides. For more information refer to Location of the license file .



<Temp Folder>


Optional: Mapping container’s temp directory to host file system.




The log level sets the verboseness of the log writing. Valid are: OFF; ERROR; WARN; INFO orDEBUG.It is recommended to use ERROR or WARN in production environments and WARN or INFO in test systems. Set DEBUG level only when being ask be kgs Customer Support. For more information on logging refer to Logging .





To login to the tia Status UI, a password is required that when being hashed must match this value. For more information refer to tia® Status UI Authentication .


Run as daemon in background


Referencing the image as last parameter in the docker command.

The image is referenced like this:<Product>:<Version>


<Product>: The tia Core product to be deployed: saphttp , cmis

<Version>: The version of tia Core to be deployed. kgs recommends to use the latest available version. For this use latest.

Fill in the values into the Template of docker run command belowfor copy & paste:

Code Block
docker run --name <Name> -p <Hostport>:<Containerport> -v data_volume:/temp/data  -v <License folder>Folder>:/application/config/license/ -v <Config <Folder>Folder>/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -e LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT=<Loglevel> -e WEBAPP_SECURITY_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD="<BcryptHash>" -d<Product>:<Version>


Code Block
docker run --name tiacore-AL -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/data  -v ./tiacore/license:/application/config/license/ -v ./tiacore/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -e LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT=INFO -e WEBAPP_SECURITY_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD="\$2a\$10\$5E1KpGIKSq6xuWmGf92bheB17V0l4fEMnVmYPqhWiazKddcx1TF/e" -d

Explanation of docker command:






docker run


Start the container




run as daemon instead of in foreground




gives the container a free choosable name while running (for easier access later).


Hint: You can start multiple instances of the same containers with different ports and different names.


Code Block
--name tia-contentserver



Maps a host directory into the file system of the container.


The parameter -p maps ports, and -v volumes (directories or files) between host and container. -e sets environmental variables in the container.

Using -v allows to store data like configuration permanently at host, edit and maintain it there even when the container is started, destroyed and restarted again.


Hint: When host is running Windows, the path may contain drive letter with colon ( : ) and backslashes ( \ ). Use quotation marks and double the backslash to allow correct interpretation.

E.g.: -v "G:\\host\\location":/container/location




Maps the host port to the port in the container.

Our Software runs on 8080 inside the container, therefore you always want to map your arbitrary host port to 8080.


Code Block
-p 8080:8080




The Image to run


Step 1 needed to be complete


Code Block

How to access the tia Core WebUI:

After the container has successfully started und is running, access the Status UI via the web browser http://<hostserver>:<hostport>

Login with your combination of username (default:admin) + password


For information about the environmental variables set, refer to Reference of application-wide parameters .

When the tia Core container is running,

  • access its Status User Interface in web browser. See tia® Status User-Interface

  • setup the repository in SAP to connect to tia Core Content Server

How to connect SAP to tia Core contentserver:


specify the required connection information for your tia core contentserverCore Content Server


  1. perform the connection test → the result should be as following


Congratulations, you are now able to use tia core for archiving documents via ArchiveLink (smile)


Docker command:

This parameter -v data_volume:/temp/data is only required when data are stored in /temp/data. When you plan to use other storages (like S3) you no not need these parameter. For different location modify repository.cfg and the command accordingly.


Environment Variables




Directory where repository.cfg is expected. Default is “/application/config/“




Log Level for core of tia. Default is “Debug”. Recommended for Production is “WARN” or “ERROR”.




Point to a logback configuration to overwrite the default one. To set the log entry output to JSON format use the value “/application/config/json-logback.xml“. This is recommend for cloud environments.




Set Password for Status Webapp with bcrypt. Password “admin” for testing: $2a$10$5E1KpGIKSq6xuWmGf92bheB17V0l4fEMnVmYPqhWiazKddcx1TF/e




Path to the license file (if different from /application/config/license/)

You can overwrite these with -e <key>=value


HTTPS requires a Certificate (public or self-signed) in stored as pkcs12 format. The file needs to be mapped into the container.


Environment Variables




JKS or PKCS12 is supported. PKCS12 is preferred.




Location of the keystore




Password for the keystore




Alias for the certificate in the pkcs12 store




use “true“ to expose the configured port (default 8080) as https port


Create a keystore with a self signed certificate or skip this step with existing certificate:

Code Block
keytool -genkeypair -alias kgs -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore kgs.p12 -validity 3650

Map the file in the container:

Code Block
-v ./tiacore/kgs.p12:/application/kgs.p12

Add to environment variables:



titleI do not want log files inside my container (for tia® Content Server core < 2.6.0 )

This is no longer required for tia® Content Server core 2.6.0 or higher

  • Use e.g this log4j2.xml without file appender

View file

Map it to the container with -v <Folder>/log4j2.xml:/application/config/log4j2.xml

And set environment variable for the container -e LOGGING_CONFIG=/application/config/log4j2.xml
