tia Viewer Core is only available as Container and can support the standalone viewer scenario with SAP and KGS ZfuncionModul
with SAP and without ZfunctionModul
Konfiguration übertragenkgs customizing in SAP or a so called CSV scenario that is based on ArchiveLink get Commands.
In both cases in addition to the viewer a tia® Content Server ArchiveLink (tC) is required.
tia Viewer with kgs Viewer Pack
Drawio |
mVer | 2 |
simple | 0 |
zoom | 1 |
inComment | 0 |
pageId | 3246620679 |
custContentId | 3258318855 |
diagramDisplayName | Untitled Diagram-1724678059053.drawio |
lbox | 1 |
contentVer | 3 |
revision | 3 |
baseUrl | https://kgs-software.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | Untitled Diagram-1724678059053.drawio |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 842 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 249.5 |
tia Viewer CSV Scenario*
Drawio |
mVer | 2 |
simple | 0 |
zoom | 1 |
inComment | 0 |
pageId | 3246620679 |
custContentId | 3257892884 |
diagramDisplayName | Untitled Diagram-1724678059053.drawio |
lbox | 1 |
contentVer | 2 |
revision | 2 |
baseUrl | https://kgs-software.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | 1724679122573-Untitled Diagram-1724678059053.drawio |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 842 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 249.5 |
to use ABAP Rest a transport is required, otherwise creating notes and annotations is not supported