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tia ZADOC is a software package that enables SAP-based document storage and research processes in a uniform user interface.
A special feature of this SAP add-on application is that archived documents do not necessarily need a reference to SAP standard objects (such as BKPF or VBAK). For example, documents for leasing vehicles or measuring equipment protocols can be managed with little effort.
To install tia ZADOC in the SAP system, the SAP transport container tia E75K900370 - ZADOC Version 3.6.3 Full Install ECC6.0 EhP8 - 7.50, which is provided by KGS, must be imported into the SAP system.
Please note: For a successful import of the ZADOC transport, SAP Note 1560955 must be installed.
SAP ArchiveLink settings
The customer-specific settings that are necessary to archive and display tia ZADOC documents are encapsulated in the SAP ArchiveLink® interface. This interface has its own customer-specific settings.
The prerequisite for the tia ZADOC software system to function fully is that the ArchiveLink basic customizing has been fully implemented in the SAP system.