Versions Compared


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docker will prompt for user and password.

Start with docker:Prepare repository.cfg to map it to directory /application/config

If docker is not installed yet on your system, please follow the docker installation instruction for linux e.g Debian.

Before you continue the setup, make sure that the command "docker --version" returns the following message.


If you want to set up a test instance of tia core, our default repository.cfg should be suitable for this purpose.

Otherwise feel free to customize the repository.cfg. Please also take note of the following configuration options /wiki/spaces/WIKI/pages/1368064007

View file

  • place repository.cfg to in a folder

  • replace <Name> with your custom name for the tia core container

  • replace <Folder> with the Folderpath that contains the repository.cfg

  • replace <License> with the Folderpath that contains your license file

  • replace <Loglevel> with a log level of your choice e.g. DEBUG,INFO,ERROR

  • replace <BcryptHash> with a password of your choice encrypted with bcrypt (for an example please have a look on the section “Environment Variables” below)

  • replace <Version> with a available tia core version on harbor


The following docker run command will deploy a tia core ArchiveLink (SAPHTTP) instance. If you want to install a tia core CMIS instance, please use the corresponding tag e.g. "-d"

Code Block
docker run --name <Name> -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/data  -v <folder><License>:/application/config/license/ -v <Folder>/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -e LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT=<Loglevel> -e WEBAPP_SECURITY_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD="<BcryptHash>" -d<product>:<Version>


Code Block
docker run --name tiacore-AL -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/data  -v ./tiacore/license/:/application/config/license/ -v C:./cmistiacore/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -e LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT=INFO -e WEBAPP_SECURITY_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD="\$2a\$10\$5E1KpGIKSq6xuWmGf92bheB17V0l4fEMnVmYPqhWiazKddcx1TF/e" -d images.docker.kgs-softwarecloud.comde/tia/core/cmis:2.7.0/saphttp:latest

How to access the tia Core WebUI:

After you have successfully executed the docker run command, you can access the WebUI via the web browser <http://<server>>:<port>

Please login with your combination of username (default:admin) + password


How to connect SAP to tia Core contentserver:

use the transaction code OAC0 to create the repository T1

specify the required connection information for your tia core contentserver


  1. perform the connection test → the result should be as following


  1. send out the sap certificate to the tia core contentserver

Congratulations, you are now able to use tia core for archiving documents via ArchiveLink (smile)


Docker command:

This parameter -v data_volume:/temp/data is only required when data are stored in /temp/data. When you plan to use other storages (like S3) you no not need these parameter. For different location modify repository.cfg and the command accordingly.

Environmane Environment Variables


Directory where repository.cfg is expected. Default is “/application/config/“


Log Level for core of tia. Default is “Debug”. Recommended for Production is “WARN” or “ERROR”.


Point to a log4j2 configuration to overwrite the default one


Set Password for Status Webapp with bcrypt. Password “admin” for testing: $2a$10$5E1KpGIKSq6xuWmGf92bheB17V0l4fEMnVmYPqhWiazKddcx1TF/e


Path to the license file (if different from /application/config/license/)


titleI want to use ILM or SAPHTTP?

Both is available on Nexus/Harbor

In the example repository.cfg the files are stored in /temp/meta. Make sure you map these data in a volume so that multiple started images can access the same data
titleWhere do I store the metadata.xml?
want to check the container logs

You can do that with the following command

Code Block
sudo docker container logs <container name / or / container-id>
titleIs respository.cfg shared?

In the example repository.cfg is shared when mutiple container use the same repository.cfg. Change one and restart container so that new repository.cfg works for both.
