Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Environmane Variables


Directory where repository.cfg is expected. Default is “/application/config/“


Log Level for core of tia. Default is “Debug”. Recommended for Production is “WARN” or “ERROR”.


Point to a log4j2 configuration to overwrite the default one

You can overwrite these with -e <key>=value


titleI do not want log files inside my container (from core of tia 2.3.0)
  • Use e.g this log4j2.xml

View file

Map it to the container with -v <Folder>/log4j2.xml:/application/config/log4j2.xml

And set environment variable for the container LOGGING_CONFIG=/application/config/log4j2.xml

titleI want to use ILM or SAPHTTP?

Both is available on Nexus/Harbor

titleWhere do I store the metadata.xml?

In the example repository.cfg the files are stored in /temp/meta. Make sure you map these data in a volume so that multiple started images can access the same data

titleIs respository.cfg shared?

In the example repository.cfg is shared when mutiple container use the same repository.cfg. Change one and restart container so that new repository.cfg works for both.

titleWhere is the tomcat?

Tomcat is now embedded and maintained by kgs.

titleHow do I update a container

Pull the new image sudo docker pull [docker_image]

Find the ID of the running container sudo docker ps

Image Modified

Stop Container sudo docker stop [container_id]
Remove Container sudo docker rm [container_id]

Start Container docker run -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/ -v <Folder>/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -d<Version>

titleAre there files or directories that need to be mapped in the container and need to be permanent with read/write access?
  • Yes, but it depends on your configuration.

    • Core of tia requires a metadata directory (<repo>.configdata.filesystem.root)

    • Core of tia can require a keystore, when you configure it, make sure this file is available for all

      • <repo>

      • <repo>.keystoreservice.pkcs12.path

    • Core of tia requires a temp directory to cache files it is /tmp there are only temporary files stored for short time.