Code Block |
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/ -v <Folder>/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -d docker.kgs-software.com/tia/core/cmis<product>:<Version> |
Code Block |
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/ -v C:/cmis/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -d docker.kgs-software.com/tia/core/cmis:2.1.0 |
You can overwrite these with -e <key>=value
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title | I want to use ILM or SAPHTTP? |
Both is available on Nexus |
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title | Where do I store the metadata.xml? |
In the example repository.cfg the files are stored in /temp/meta. Make sure you map these data in a volume so that multiple started images can access the same data |
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title | Is respository.cfg shared? |
In the example repository.cfg is shared when mutiple container use the same repository.cfg. Change one and restart container so that new repository.cfg works for both. |
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title | Where is the tomcat? |
Tomcat is now embedded and maintained by kgs. |
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title | How do I update a container |
Pull the new image sudo docker pull [docker_image] Find the ID of the running container sudo docker ps  Stop Container sudo docker stop [container_id] Remove Container sudo docker rm [container_id] Start Container docker run -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/ -v <Folder>/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -d docker.kgs-software.com/tia/core/cmis:<Version> |
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title | Are there files or directories that need to be mapped in the container and need to be permanent with read/write access? |