Warning |
Breaking changes! Take care when you are upgrading an existing installation! If you are not using a custom database, changes must be made to the existing H2 database, or existing data will be lost. Please see Update H2 Database from 1.3.175 to 2.X for documentation of the required changes. |
Remove threadlimit Removed thread limit for MaximumThreadCount (was limited to number of CPU Cores)
improve Logs
add mimetype for excel makros Improved logging
Added MIME-Type for Excel macros (XLSM)
SMTPPort is adjustable for tlsTLS
Update Updated embedded H2-Database to 2.1.242
fix Fixed protocol entry with 419 error when CoreOfTia protocols are used
prevent Prevent issue while index file split
prolog Prolog doPostProcessing(): Added check of DocID emptiness
corrected Corrected wrong formatted log output
schema Schema parsing: accept schemas with holes in indexes
Move Files after import was not working when there was a link in the path.
Fixed an issue when MoveOnError and MoveOnOK was checked Optimize wait time when maxFileFetch size is set
IndexSkipLineStartsWith is working korrekt and ignores configured lines
fixed Fixed an issue with files bigger than 2.1 Global
make Make average time consumed message more clear