In DR we have to distinguish between DR logging and DR instance logging.
The DocumentRouter logs into several files:
global logging using KGS Logger Plugin (Logger.txt)
instance logging
DR global logging using KGS Logger Plugin
The DR is logging like any other KGS OSGi bundle . In general config of the file logger plugin you set the log level. see: KGS Logger Pluginusing the KGS Logger Plugin.
The general general configuration of it can be found using the UI by clicking OSGi → Configuration → KGS File Logger.
Beside log file location and name, other settings can be done. For further description of this plugin please consult: KGS Logger Plugin
The configuration of the plugin just contain details about where an how to log. The log level can be set inside the global DR configuration: OSGi → Configuration → Global DocumentRouter Configuration
Please Consider that other KGS plugins do log into that file, too.
DR instance logging